Friday, February 08, 2008

Conversation from Emily Lopez's Blog

Hey Emily, thanks for outing me! Its ironic that so many people on the right despise John McCain, the only Republican that can win in November. You might as well have voted for Hillary, if voted for Mitt and he was elected. Not a pleasant comment for many of you, but none the less, very accurate.

"I can't live with two judges that may enact laws to allow partial-birth abortions, civil unions, strip the right to bear arms, and other such liberal crap!"

A nice wrapped up talking point, but highly unlikely. Partial birth abortions were struck down by both parties in 2003...they will not be coming back. Gay marriage legislation was shot down by both parties as well in 2006, again, nothing the president can impact. The only gun control legislation passed by a Democrat in the past 20 years was the Brady Bill, which took 20 various assault riffles off the street (BTW..The Police Unions backed this legislation).

Get past the network rhetoric and you will find real reasons to vote for your favorite candidate. We all didn't like it when Romney failed because of inaccuracies and stereotypes relating to his beliefs...why would we fall into this same trap with others?

February 8, 2008 7:25 AM


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The lesser of two evils...

Although, Romney seems to be optimistic still, it looks like the nomination is going to McCain. All we can hope is that he will get the votes in November, be made President, and then die before he is able to do anything too damaging! (Okay, that was harsh, but the man has battled skin cancer twice already, and he is old, so it is a possibility!) Despite the fact that I cannot stand Juan McAmnesty, he is better than the alternative, and perhaps he does have a better chance to beat the Democratic nominee than Mitt would have (apparently, Matt Anselmo believes this as well, hence the e-mail to vote for Mitt to many of you...ha...I just outed Matt on my blog!). There are potentially two Supreme Court Judges this President may get to appoint. So, I probably will vote for McCain in November. I can live with higher taxes and a pathway for illegals to become citizens for four years. I can't live with two judges that may enact laws to allow partial-birth abortions, civil unions, strip the right to bear arms, and other such liberal crap! CNN has a list of all the issues and the stances on its website that is pretty good and comprehensive if you are interested. The only thing I can be sure of from yesterday's "Super Tuesday" (they should call it Stupid Tuesday!), is that we surely are in the last days!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Lopez-kids said...

Thanks Matt. Yes I am glad there are checks and balances that may not allow some of the liberal ideas to come about. However, I am still not voting for a candidate who wishes they would. Obama "disagreed with Supreme Court ruling to uphold the 'Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act' and did not cast a vote on Prohibiting Funds for Groups that Perform Abortions amendment in 2007." He also supports civil unions. He also "supports national law against carrying concealed weapons, with exceptions for retired police and military personnel." Unless CNN is reporting false information, I believe these are his stances. So, while some of these may not ever come about (I hope not!), I still cannot support him.

Oh, and by the way, I cite CNN on these issues (using Network rhetoric as you call it), because Obama does not include any of these important issues on his own website.

2/08/2008 3:58 PM  
Blogger Kim Anselmo said...

If you make it a point to use criteria that can not be impacted by a candidate, then don't vote for Obama. For me, I'm not looking at what a candidate can't do, I'm looking at what they can.

Actually, based on what you wrote McCain doesn't meet your criteria. So I guess you will staring at the ballot in November.

2/08/2008 4:01 PM  
Blogger Lopez-kids said...

You are right about that. McCain doesn't meet my criteria. However, he is still closer than Hillary and Obama. Although there are certain issues that most likely cannot be impacted by the President, his principles on some of those issues define what type of decisions he will make. I have to vote for the candidate who I believe would make the decisions I would make. My biggest issue (and one that will undoubtedly be impacted by the next President) is the war. I cannot support a President who would pull our troops out of Iraq prematurely, or a President who would not protect us from terrorism. I want someone in the White House who views it as big of a threat as I do. John McCain may be the only candidate who does. That is why in November, I will be casting my vote for him. It has been fun talking (writing with you about it though). I can see your views and respect it. That is part of what makes America the best country in the world.

2/08/2008 6:26 PM  

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